Tips To Make It Big As A Stand Up Comedian

. Thursday, January 7, 2010
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By Hank Evans

If you have the extraordinary talent of making people laugh, you may want to consider a career as a professional stand up comedian. However, being successful at it requires more than just sheer talent ? you need to be smart and witty and most of all you must have the guts to go before throngs of people.

To be a professional comedian the first thing that you should remember is to always carry a notepad wherever you go. Write down every idea that will come across your mind, or perhaps use a voice recorder. Do not assume that you can recall random ideas all the time.

Write whatever you think is funny, but do not restrict your creativity on writing for a character. When you are on stage just be yourself and let your own character come to life as you deliver your jokes and it will just come out naturally. Never set foot onstage not knowing what to say or where to begin. Remember that in comedy, timing is everything. You will also need to master your ad lib in case you suddenly forget your script. This will make you save yourself from embarrassment. Even your mistakes will be funny.

Another must do before taking the stage is to know the type of audience you will be performing for. This way you'll be able to adjust your style and your antics accordingly. One thing that you must not do is acting like you are better than them; this only creates a negative impression.

Remember, your audience may already have an impression about you even before you have spoken your first words. Instead of thinking of this as a disadvantage on your part, think of it as an opportunity to take things under control. Start with confidence so your audience will know that you have the ball on your side.

It usually happens with professional comedians to have performances on the same location many times during the week. If you happen to experience this, too, just make sure that you have something different to show every time in order to keep your audience out of boredom. There are different styles that you can assume, so don't be afraid to try one style to another. Practice making a joke out of anything as this helps you to develop your sense of humor.

Always take control of your audience and avoid having it the other way around because you will never get it back and it will be damaging on your part. If something is not working, move on and make adjustments on the spot to fit your audience.

Pursuing a career as a comedian is not a joke. Practicing and learning how to deliver a joke with the right timing are very significant to a good comedian. You have to be prepared because it is going to be a long way for you to go and the pay sometimes is not as rewarding as the effort. Stay funny and know what makes your audience laugh; then, you will be fulfilling your goals soon.

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