I'm Glad I Got Forever Laid

. Monday, January 4, 2010
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By Henry Blanc

After I found myself single again, I just didn't know what to do. I mean, I hadn't dated in over ten years. I didn't know how to approach a woman anymore and it seemed like all the women in the clubs were a lot younger than me. I figured I didn't stand a chance with them. I never was much of a lady's man and i was really uncomfortable, I just never knew what to say to break the ice.

I spent a lot of my free time surfing the web and I came across this web page. It said it could guarantee that I could meet women and get them to sleep with me. I didn't really believe it, but I really didn't have much to lose. It wasn't that expensive and I thought that if it even helped me meet one woman, I'd be better off than I was now. So I went ahead and ordered it. I was able to download it right away.

Well, I'm and engineer and I have to travel on business sometimes. So I had to go out of town and when I boarded the plane, I was seated next to this really hot girl. It seemed like the time to try out what I'd learned. We talked all through the flight and agreed to meet for dinner at my hotel. I was amazed, when after dinner, she went up to my room with me. I couldn't believe that these simple techniques really worked.

I couldn't believe that it worked. About a month later, I decided to try again. I saw a hot lady at the supermarket and I just went ahead and approached her. I never used to have the nerve to do something like that, but it worked the first time. It worked the second time too, and the third and the fourth. My sex life is better now than it was when I was married. I can't even believe it.

I've never been smooth, or a jock or the kind of guy that girls line up for, at least, not until now. I didn't get the girls in high school or college, in fact I'd only had two girlfriends before I met my wife. Girls weren't lining up to date guys who were in the honor society or the math club. I figured things hadn't changed. But this changed the way I approached women and the way I thought about women and it changed my luck with women too.

Life just doesn't get better than this. I'm living every guy's dream. I wasn't this popular in high school or college. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be able to date any woman I wanted. It's just so easy with the things I learned from. I feel great and so confident in myself that I know I can't fail. Every divorced guy should try this. You can live the fantasy.

It feels so good to know that I can have almost any woman I set my sights on. I'm no movie star and I thought that women were mostly interested in looks and money, but that's not true. This book will tell you what women really want. Once you know what women want, you know how to please them and the rest is easy. I don't worry about sex anymore, it's there when I want it. If you're single or divorced and you hate being alone, you have nothing to lose by trying this out. You just have to work on the methods a bit and be willing to take a chance and go after your lady.

This is the best money I've ever spent. If I meet the right lady, I might get married again, but right now I'm having the time of my life. I can't say enough about Forever Laid. I wish I'd known about this fifteen years ago when I was in college. It would have made the experience a lot more fun.

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