Airsoft Guns Are Replacing Paintball Guns In Recreational War Games

. Sunday, January 24, 2010
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By Anthony Carter

Airsoft guns are the newest thing in military game play. Many people have switched from paintball guns to airsoft guns. These guns look as realistic as the actual guns that they were modeled after. They shoot plastic pellets that range from 6 to 8mm. Using these types of guns can be relatively harmless, as long as the operating guidelines and safety precautions are followed.

Before purchasing or operating a gun, you should be aware of the laws of the state or country that you are playing in. There is not a place in the world that will require you to obtain a license to operate these guns. However, there are often age requirements to buy a gun. Laws will vary from one jurisdiction to another, so be sure to know what they are.

If you own an airsoft gun in the United States know that you will have to paint the barrel of the gun orange. This will help law enforcement determine whether the gun is real or not. An average citizen probably will not know what the orange barrel means and can easily be mistaken for the real thing. So, when out in public it is best to have to in a case. For your child's safety, you should always lock up these guns the same way you would if the gun is real.

Although this is not a realistic gun, you will want to treat the gun like it is the real thing. You never point the gun at someone not in play. Never fire your gun closer then the recommended distance to another person. You will clean this gun the same way that would clean a real gun. Remember to only use silicone based products for cleaning and never petroleum based cleaning products.

Unplug the battery when you are not using the gun. This will cause less drainage on the battery and will prevent the gun from accidently discharging. There are barrel bags and barrel condoms that are to be used when you are out on the playing field when your gun is not in use.

There are many different styles of games that can be played with airsoft guns. Basically, any type of military-style war games can be played with these guns. Because of the use of plastic pellets, all players are held to an honor system. Because there are not any telltale signs that someone has been hit, the players have to honest and call out when they are hit. You might think that people will not be honest and ruin the game, but the people that play are very dedicated to playing a hard but fair game.

Electric, gas, spring and hybrid airsoft guns are the flavors that you can select from. If you are in a store, you can ask a knowledgeable salesperson to help you pick out which types of gun is right for you. Most beginners start with a spring loaded gun and work their way up to a more complicated and powerful arsenal. If you can try dry firing the gun to see if you like it and do not go on appearance alone when choosing your weapon.

If you buy the gun style that is right for you and your capabilities then you are guaranteed to have a great time. These guns will definitely help you get that realistic feeling of real war games.

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